Originally Posted by tharris297
Is my phone going bad ... with this build, I seem to lose my radio connection from time to time. I'm not sure if its related to phoneweaver and phonealarm ... but it takes about 10 minutes or so and numerous softresets to get the radio back.
I get good old "Phone Off"
Still ... GREAT GREAT Build.
Ive never seen this issue before .... ever... grab the latest OFFICIAL rom from your carrier and flash JUST the radio using the NOID
right click the exe after you download it and extract it (winrar)
there will be an ruu_output folder
grab the file
put it ALL by itself in the flash folder from my rom (remove the nk.nbf)
fire it up... on the 2nd screen it will show you are upgrading JUST the radio... with sprint its radio 1.27
let it flash... the radio takes FOREVER to flash (3x longer than the ce rom) but it will finish.
soft reset the phone (no need for hard).
still have the issue? then its the phone.... flash the FULL carrier rom on there and go get you a replacement
Ok so I looked up another program that is supposed to change incoming sms sounds. But yet again doesnt work due to pOutlook problems. Is there any way to make The new sms app "think" it's pOutlook.
no idea, didnt write the program. i would look for PALM 755w software that does this as i think this phone runs something "similiar" for its SMS... if you catch my meaning