Hello all, as you know I enjoy making themes and having fellowship with all of you.. I've seen a big liking into the gold themes so I've edited and created some icons, made backgrounds for my am/pm concept and arranged it to my pleasure.. and came up with this.. Hope you all enjoy...
*Credits as always to those who contributed in the previous gold themes* (Lepsyfou,KidnamedAlbert and S2W)
Credits to Beyond Invisible (Weather & settings) and All The Way (Cab fix settings) *
If you want the new weather theme PM Mr.BeyondInvisible*
* Unselect TouchFLO in today items.
* Install GODZSON HAZE cab (includes Beyond Invisible's weather)
* Copy all icons into /windows directory and over ride any current icons.
* Install Wisbar and select theme
* Select TouchFLO in today items
* And last... Enjoy my theme with am/pm transition theme..
(you won't need any additional apps, the home screen will change automatically in the am and pm)
God Bless, and Enjoy!