Returned my 2nd Diamond.
Had the Back and End button side start lifting up and not recognizing when I pressed them. The new one suddenly was in 1x all the time, the Send End Back and Home buttons acted as if I pressed left or right on the dpad, even at the edges, but not all the time, making calls was annoying. Returned it on the 30th day of my 30 day.. Awaiting something better, Touch Pro I hope.
Currently phone-less, since they made me return my Mogul, then the replacement Touch both to Sprint. I haven't gotten credit on either. Also the full price they made me pay up front is still on my bill and doesn't reflect my return either..
They've escalated my calls to Supervisor Management and Supervisor Tech support, she gave me her cell #. Both without the phone hopefully they will call my alternate number.. lol
Wonder if a few notes to Ecare are in order.
LG V10 LG-H901BK / LG G4 LG-H811LB (Stock) LG-F500L (QHSUSB__BULK Bricked) / Motorola Nexus 6 (rooted) / Sony Xperia Z3 (rooted)