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Old 10-19-2008, 02:34 AM
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Re: UPDATED 10-3-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1

hey, heres something interesting i figured out... alright, i took my htc touch that is not on my account and out of service because i have 2 touch's and only 1 line of service... and i changed the hdr auth password for the evdo to the password of the one that is in service..... the pass is the esn, you can change it in epst (##778 send) and the internet worked on it..... it worked with it having just the hdr password set.... the actual esn of the phone was still unchanged and out of service... i could not make calls, but could use the evdo... interesting.... now, if i used evdo on both phones at the same time, or evdo on one and voice on the other at the same time, would alltel be able to see this? cuz if it just checks the pass, i would think that it doesnt check the esn of the phone..... i was wondering because i thought it would be nice to be able to teher the one that just gets data to the comp for internet and still be able to talk on the other one at the same time...... cuz i have to tether, i dont have seperate internet service.....