Originally Posted by spetrillo
Evening all,
I was wondering how people go about developing their own ROMs. Do you use a kitchen and bake all your options into the kitchen? Or do you bake a minimal ROM and then add via CAB after the ROM flash?
I have been going back and forth with this, even from the early days of my 6700. Now that I have a larger amount of memory does it matter to be sensitive to your ROM size? Should I just bake everything in?
When I first started, I took a basic rom (the stock rom) and added usercustomization and did most of my customizations with .cabs. Then I figured out how to OEM things, and things took off from there. Then I learned this, then that, and now I can do almost anything with a rom.
There are tutorials out there now where you can after reading them, dive in feet first. And quite a few people are willing to help out, like myself for one! All ya gotta do is ask.
Edit: oh, and I use dogguy's kitchen to bake everything in. From settings to reg codes...Saves a ton of time!