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Old 10-18-2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: $50 for 1st person..internet on HTC Touch Cricket

I am on the $45 plan and playing with the following settings you can get "http" only working.

Next go to Security
HDR AN AUTH USER ID : Your number
PPP User ID Your number
PPP Password: cricket

The Last step:
Go To M.IP Settings
Change it to Simple IP only

Once you have done this Hit Menu then OK and phone will Ask you if you are sure you want to update and hit ok. Phone will restart.

WAP Set Up

1. Go to Start, Settings, Connections, Connections

2. Go to Mange existing connections, at this point you can make a new one or edit one, I did edit, Rename Alltel to Cricket or Cricket WAP, Dial String should be set to #777, Username is Your Cricket Number, password: cricket After that hit done.

3. Next Go to Proxy Settings, Make sure that Both boxes are checked, and for the Proxy
server make sure you type in, Go to Advanced then delete the Socks entry and change the port on the HTTP to 8080, it should also read After this make sure that save and after that go to Internet Explorer and go to a website, at this point if you can view a website i.e or some other website then your good to go.

I cannot get Steaming Media Player or SlingBox Mobile working. Let me know if anybody can know if the "Mobile Web" they really litallity mean HTTP only.