Re: Battery Fix
Just remember that this isn't a fix for people that might have additional issues with battery/phones. If you are not experiencing any dramatic battery drains but would like to get a little more battery time out of your phone, this fix might help.
If you have intensive programs or bad batteries or even a bad phone, then this regedit won't do squat for you.
Side note, it seemed like I got more battery life out of Juicy 2.4.1 then I am out of 2.5. However, I can't say that I am doing exactly the same things since 2.5. I was running the 1% battery status with the better looking battery icon and I know that can drain the battery faster. I also installed Gyrator which certainly won't help an already heavy drain.
There has been some inconsistencies though since I have been on 2.5. Today my drain was far more than it was yesterday with not much change as far as what I did on it. Activesync might have been a good part of that since mobipush didn't seem to want to sync.