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Old 10-18-2008, 02:20 AM
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Re: UPDATED 10-3-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1

Originally Posted by diesburg59105 View Post
thanks a lot for the help you've already gave me con.....

can you guys help me with a problem, here whats up....
i have 2 touch's right...... my new ones gets evdo no problem..... but the old one, it will only get evdo when set to home only..... but when on home only, it only gets a signal like once a day from whwtever tower that it tries to connect to on home only...... its wierd..... i change the esn on my alltel account from the working evdo touch to the other one..... and after it dials #777, it switches to 1x..... thats with several different custom roms tried including almost all of con's, alltels newest official rom...... still wont get evdo..... anyways, heres the phone details in device info:

Rom version: 3.10.671.1
ROM date: 9/22/08
Radio version: 3.42.30
protocol version: DCAAXAM-4350H
Hardware version: 0001
PRL version: 30033 (alltels latest for the touch, same one working evdo touch has)
PRI Version: 2.02_011

just so you know, it currently has alltels official 6.1 rom

forgot to say, when my rome icon is flashing on and off is when it will not get evdo..... if its flashing, no evdo, and if its not there at all, gets evdo....... but thats very rarely that it gets the signal from that home tower....

My beta located a few pages back, it will let you set a lot more settings in, Phone-Settings-Services. one of them is to lock on to evdo or 1x. you can try that for now. Also you might want to try a *228 and option 3. this will stop your roaming to flash on and off.

Give it a shot and let me know. I am working now on a new release. I am gonna shoot for later today, at first it will be like the following.

HTC home, (first release, with manilla builds to come tomw or monday)
Old Messaging, so SMS and MMS in seperate folders.
Based of Alltel ROM
small changes

Manilla will be out sunday or monday.

I am shooting for this one with HTC home today though.

Last edited by conflipper; 10-18-2008 at 09:10 AM.