Originally Posted by KJoFan
I'm having the same issue as lilsolo68 when trying to upgrade my 6800 to the new 6.1 rom. I'm running Vista and Windows Mobile Device Center on my PC. Can anyone help out with fixing this?
you may want to flash using the sd card method rather than the usb method. the sd card flashing method involves:
formating your SD card to fat32 (if it isnt already), this means backing it up, formatting it to fat32, then reloading the stuff u had on it.
on PC using winrar to to extract the all the files from the rom .exe that you downloaded from htc website. (install winrar on PC, right click on the rom download and click 'extract files...')
on PC take the largest file in there and rename it to:
TITANIMG.nbh if flashing on a titan/mogul/6800
VOGUIMG.nbh if flashing on a vogue/touch/6900
copy that file to the root of the sd card.
put the sdcard in the phone.
put the phone in bootloader mode (hold camera+power then soft reset)
wait, it will flash it.
remember to move the nbh file out of the root so it doesnt flash next time u enter bootloader on accident.
im not trying to write a guide, this was just an overview.