Wisbar Advance 2.0 (iBliss Beta Theme)
phoneAlarm (Dark Skin Reloaded, modified to scroll in order)
Weather Panel (Simple 240 w/Umicons)
WP Pilot
Of note:
Side Button uses MortScript Record to re-establish original PPC voice recording functionality
Keylight to turn off keyboard in daylight and conserve power
There are so many people in the PPC Develoment community (and I include "skinners" in that group) to thank! I have owned over 20 PDA's since the original Palm Pilot (back and forth between platforms [Palm vs. Windows] over the years) and I have to tell everyone, this hardware (Treo 700wx) plus the apps above, make this EASILY the best PDA I've ever owned.
Now, if they would just upgrade the Sprint version to get rid of the darn antenna!