Originally Posted by MrObvious
YW. But I've found building a ROM based on 20273 is quite stable and you can include a lot of software automatically.
Newbie questions:
1) Which version of unlocker should I be using?
This thread has several versions and its confusing:
As far as I understand, I think the second link is the one I should be using?
2) Does the unlocker make the phone unusable? I mean can I just unlock the phone now and leave for flashing a custom ROM later or once I unlock it, the phone has to be reflashed?
EDIT: I tired running the Titanunlocker.bat, it copied some files, asked me to diconnect and reconnect. The RUU then popped up and warned me that everything on the device would be wiped off and I stopped there. The phone is still working fine and I see the Manufacturer SPL 2.06.