okay after alot of trial and error i finally figured a way to fully sync up my htc touch with ubuntu. we all know ubuntu does not have much if any syncing support right now, you would have to install mandriva 2009 for that. in the mean time the way i will explain will allow you "fully" sync your pda's & phones that run windows mobile 5 & 6.
1.) install ubuntu
2.) do all of your updates and such.
3.) install vmware workstation for linux "not freeware".... but it does give you a 30 day trial when you sign up.
4.) install either xp or vista on vmware, configure how much ram and hdd space to use.
5.) after xp or vista install, install vmware tools from within the virtual machine.
6.) install microsoft windows mobile device center for vista or active sync for xp.
7.) plug in your phone / pda with the usb cable.
8.) vmware will recognize it and you will have to enable the usb connection.
9.) follow the instructions in wmdc and you will be able to sync all content and view all of your files on your device.
enjoy !!!!
this is a solution for now until ubuntu decides to make syncing native. i have now fully switched over to linux ubuntu and i am only using xp via virtual machine to sync up my device.