[Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread
This thread is to collaborate the radio roms we may have available to us now and in the future.
Current Available Radio Roms:
HTC Diamond Radio Rom v1.00.00F (Sprint Shipped) Fast Mirror Mirror
Sprint Test Touch Pro Radio v1.00.04F
Sprint Raphael Radio V1.03.15F Shipped
Sprint Radio V1.11.00F Shipped <--------- New radio Jan 15th/09
VZW TouchPro Radio Rom v1.03.03v (Verizon Shipped rom for the Touch Pro) Fast Mirror Mirror1 Mirror2
Telus Diamond Radio V1.04.05V (Telus Update)
Warrning: After flashing a radio it will preform a RTN, this is a hard reset that the radio initiates. BACK UP ALL YOUR DATA BEFORE FLASHING A RADIO ROM. I take no responsibility for lost or corrupted data.
Remember: I am not responsible for bricked devices. Your phone, your risk, your problem if something goes wrong.
Thanks to No2Chem for lending me a hand in the early days!
If I have helped you, you like my work, want to get me a coffee or you feel like you wish to help me get my next device.
feel free to ![](https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif) its appreciated, but not required!
Thanks To everyone who donated!
Last edited by Mr. X; 01-15-2009 at 07:33 PM.