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Old 10-16-2008, 10:43 AM
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Re: * UPDATED * [10/12/2008] JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by Dreading View Post
Juicy, first I want to say - great job! I just have a few questions, that are really more comments. I am offering them in hopes of them being helpful, I'm definitely not complaining --

1. Did you get your Paypal issues resolved?

2. Given that people are having problems with Sprint picture mail, given that many people want it and given that users on this forum were threatened with legal action for posting and downloading the .cab for it -- would you consider including it in future versions?

3. Is there a possible happy medium with the audio para file? I hate to sound like Goldilocks, but Sprint Stock is too soft, your's is too loud...I'm hoping there's a just right. Especially since mine goes to full volume everytime I make a call.

4. Many of us are having frustrations with the AVRCP -- and only having full bluetooth functionality with Windows Media Player and/or HTC's player instead of the player of our choice. I really want to use Pocket Player for its bookmarking function, but not having bluetooth for it is really frustrating. Is this something you could look into for future versions?: See

5. My ultimate Diamond fantasy would be to be able to switch out the programs that come up on the scrolling menu without having to cook my own ROM - could this ever be possible with a program included in your ROM?

As far as other feedback, I'm pretty sure my battery life has improved on your ROM, although its hard to tell how much because I sent back my first Diamond over the battery issue and flashed to your ROM shortly after receiving a new one. Also, I really appreciate the added camera functions and not being forced to the mobile sites on Opera. And as you know, your ROM just smoother and cleaner overall compared to Sprint. Thank you!
we are going to decline from including any sprint applications. given the circumstances around Sprint MMS. i mys self feel that its best to stay away from them and let the users handle getting them.

If I have helped you, you like my work, want to get me a coffee or you feel like you wish to help me get my next device.

feel free to its appreciated, but not required!

Thanks To everyone who donated!
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