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Old 05-16-2007, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by dancadman
Big J,

I installed the SPB Phone Suite and I personally like it. This brought me to a conclusion. IMO maybe you should leave the phone suite type programs out of the ROM all together and let everyone install the one they like.

Just adding my 2 cents worth.

The best way to "work around" this is to RE-INSTALL the application. It may be built into the ROM, but if you are going to integrate it with other applications, or its acting funny with other programs and it never has before, just install the application on the handset as if its not even built into the ROM. If spb phoneweaver is potentially your issue, reinstall phoneweaver via cab/exe ... and then install the phonesuite. That way all of the registry entries and files are exactly where the "phonesuite" expects them to be. I have done some pretty nasty registry hacks and DLL header modification to get all of this garbage to work out of the windows directory.

Finally I have your ROM & flashed into my device, but seems that BT has a problem....

I couldnt receive a file from another device (I am using nokia N73), the same issue with colonel's......regarding with this issue, only Kirvin's clean & simple works for my device.
i tested with a samsung 900, 920, ppc6700, treo700w & 700p, palm 755p.... all file xfers work fine..... im gonna go with localized issue & not ROM.

I did see that fix, and it works for ringers, reminders, etc.... What it doesn't work for is SMS messages. So is there another regedit to enable vibrate for SMS similar to the one in "Known Issues?"
thats strange, if your using PA go into the profile, under SMS messages, check the box that says "vibrate". Of course this assumes you've re-enabled the vibrate function.

Here is the noob question of the day. As a VZW user I ran the VZMMS cab. I'm stumped on what to do for the following entry. Do I add the "X-VzW-MDN"="Your10digitnumbergoeshere"as a new key or what exactly?

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]
any vz users here... anyone......anyone....bueller.....bueller.....
This was discussed back on the 9.6 thread, dont remember exactly if this is even still neccessary. The long way to check, is flash the stock rom.... check this key... export it.

flash mine back on, dont let the customizations run, run my cab file and import the registry

finally, you can just flash the generic, and allow all of your ext.rom customizations to run, and you dont have to worry about it, as it will work fine that way.

other than that, if a vz user wants to input, i can put more detailed instructions in the readme.txt included with the ROM download.

1. I am sorry, I will clarify a little. I haven't used tasks+ I just use the tasks program of pocket outlook. If you go to programs, tasks, and filter and click "Active Tasks". Then no matter what you sort by it always sorts by alphabetical order.
I would try out tasks+ and see if that suites your needs. I have never used the default task management program, and wayyyyyyy back when i used tasks (now i just use the calender) i used tasks+. Im assuming it worked fine before..... I didnt modify ANY of the outlook/task/calendar default programs from the kitchen so it *may* be a broken feature..... or as seems normal with AKU3.x it may just be working properly..... or put another way.... by design... sorry i cant be of more help, i honestly dont know ><

Works great JB, another fine release! Just thought I would throw props at ya for it. I have used nearly every installment since the beginning and it only seems to get better every time. Keep up the good work buddy!
I always appreciate stuff like this, thanks!


on another note, its difficult making "suite" compromises and the like. For myself, I dont actually install *ANYTHING* anymore. Everything I ever wanted the phone to do.... it does. Its fast, responsive, looks nice, still "feels stock" in that i dont have any crazy o2advance skinning going on, most of the today plugins are clean... and well..... it just works. works right out of the Flash. On a more personal note, i think spb makes horrid software. They end up with a gem every once in a while, but notably, their sh*t sucks. Its overly bloated, not fluid in their functionality, their installs are HUGE and they dont all seem to work right.....well.... unless you drop a small fortune and install ALL of them, but then.... whats really the point?

ahhhhhh i ramble again, been trying to stop that.

Anyways, try the above steps of re-install pw before the phonesuite, and please get back to me. I appreciate the feedback (actually i do haha). im like a ppcgeek forum whore! I NEED THE DRAMA~!!!!!!!

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