Originally Posted by syanni85
ok just installed that theme to check it out... seems like some things are a lil small for my fingers and i do not have big fingers AT ALL! Its a great lookin theme, but i don't enjoy having to be precise with my fingers, i like to to things quick and easy...
Let me ask everyone something...
How many fav contacts would be reasonable?4-5-7-10?
How many fav programs? 5-10?
How many, on average, do you guys really use? Keep in mind, the more the smaller.
I've decided on 5 days of weather? Does anyone really need more?
For me: 5-10 fav contacts is more than enough. I don't like a lot of people and don't communicate with a lot of people regularly. haha
I use about 4 programs exclusively. Would be happy with 5 fav programs
I don't need more than 5 days of weather. hell, up here in Minneapolis, the 1 day weather usually isn't right.