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Old 05-16-2007, 12:20 AM
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Is anyone else seeing a long delay in the device recognizing a non-syncing power connection?
When I plug in the car charger for the first time after being synced, it can sometimes take as long as 10 MINUTES for the device to recognize that it is being charged. The orange LED doesn't come on, my battery indicators show the regular state and no programs that detect power state react differently (I have PhoneAlarm set to change to Car Profile when Power-NoActiveSync is detected). If I reset the phone during this time with the charger connected, upon reset it will indicate that the battery is empty. Another reset without connection and we're back to an apparent normal battery state.
When I then leave it plugged in for a while, the indicators start working after 3-10minutes.
This behavior is consistent.
I am using this ROM with Colonel's mods for Sprint and the WM6 addition.
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