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Old 10-15-2008, 07:56 AM
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Re: VOGUE case hardware remake project

Originally Posted by hooover View Post
Vz is the only company i believe has plastic all others have this rubberized shell...recently did a swap with a burgundy that looks purple...
They're all plastic. The white version (VZW or not) is "painted". The rubberized coating on the outside helps the durability, but the case is still plastic.

Originally Posted by MerkurMan View Post
I have a stupid question about case and battery differences between the GSM and CDMA versions. What exactly IS the difference? I found THIS extended battery and back cover, but I'm worried it won't fit, as it's listed for use in the P3450. Any ideas if it'll work in my CDMA Touch with minor modifications, or is it a total no-go?
The GSM enclosure is smaller than the CDMA version. I'm pretty sure the GSM battery door won't fit the CDMA, but don't quote me on that.

Originally Posted by zero157h7 View Post
There is a guy on here that pulled it off. You can find it in a search. It may have even been posted in the first page of this thread, but I am too lazy too look.
Pulled what off? Creating a metal case or making his CDMA phone fit into a GSM case? The guy that made his CDMA phone fit the GSM case had to go through ALOT just to get it to work and it's not worth it IMO.

As far as I know, NO ONE has created a metal case.