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Old 10-14-2008, 10:29 AM
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Re: Odd problem when answering calls

Originally Posted by snovvman View Post
Was this a situation, where, Emoze was simply using the data connection and you were seeing the symptoms and when Emoze was de-installed data was no longer active (and therefore no problem)?

I wonder if ANY application, installed sufficient, quantity would cause the problem. As people start to install more "stuff", there is a threshold here it breaks.

@Cappy: Do you have a backup of the device prior to your hard reset? I wonder if the problem is still there after a restore. If all of the applications were de-installed, would the problem go away? I wonder...
Before I solved the problem with a hard reset, I suspected that it might be storage memory, which was about 20 MB at the time. So I cleaned that up first and increased the memory to about 35 MB. Increasing available memory did not solve the problem. It may be a registry setting or something else. A whole lot of things are going on in Windows and it may well be a combination of things. Just checked an incoming call with data connection on. It is still working fine.
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