Originally Posted by lilsolo68
<p>i have an htc 6900 and i recently tried to update it with the alltel 6.1 rom update. i have very little knowledge of the programs on the device but i do know how to use it. i guess the option for the screen to go blank after a set amount of mins was activated and when the update had begun the screen went blank. after that the program tried to restart the update a couple of times. now it says the device will not accept the update and the program automatically ends. now my phone is stuck with the multicolored screen that showed up when trying to update the first time. there are several different numbers and letters on the screen. i tried resetting the phone (hard and soft reset) but it would still end up at the same multicolored screen. what did i do, and how can i fix it without sending it in?</p>
plug ur phone in to the usb port on your computer. wait like 20 seconds. run this program. it should work.
also,this is a 6800 ROM. this will not work on the 6900 (touch). you need the 6900 ROM.
MODS, i think there is some confusion here. this thread is in the titan/mogul/6800 and vogue sections. lots a folks are trying to flash this titan rom to their touch/vogue/6900. it needs to be moved to the titan section only.