Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
He picks fights with me all the time and I'm pretty tired of it. He's the only person that ever catches my attitude and that's because he deserves it.
The video that was posted does not show it working, it shows it running. In my opinion and the opinion of many others I'm sure, it has to be functional to a usable point before it can be considering working. Obviously, its nowhere near that point.
i did not pick any fight with U. U try to destroy the project even before it starts. And U continuously doing it.
The whole point of the arguement is whether it will work or not. when U install the tf3d, U get nothing at all. I tried to make it work. And U see it loads. but it does not stops there. I said it's just the start. And U don't wanna take the fact that it already started.
Yo, if u wanna debate, do it in mature manner. Ur name calling won't give U advantage.