Originally Posted by JoJoCal19
That sir is exactly what I have been trying to do with TFLO3D but failed. Please list your mods if you can.
.Net 3.5 framework
from xda-developers.com
FInixNOver's battery icon
From member NisseDILLIGAF (I can't remember the names of the threads)
Sprint to flip clock
Glass clock
No curtains
no2chems 1% battery dll
mUn background
Pamas Transparent (glass) slider
Pamas Transparent b.g. bricks
I installed in an order to get the clock, transparent sliders, curtains and background to work. First was the background. This offset the slider icons in the standard Sprint theme (your clock will be messed up too). Next was the glass sliders which centered the icons (alone, they are offset to the other end as compared to the background). Then I installed the Sprint 2 flip which fixed the clock issue followed by the glass clock. Finally, I installed the no-curtains.
Hope this helps.
Edit, just adding more info:
I found the Sprint patch. Use Total Commander 2.5 to change the manila in the windows folder Link!!
it'll ask you to replace the file, don't worry, it didn't mess anything on mine up.