Originally Posted by tq0aezm
can u give me the cmda workshop?
my email zzh0903@163.com.
or tell me where can down cdma workshop
No, that's illegal. You can pay for the software, or ask your question somewhere else. The cost of the full program is $99 I believe.
As for the MEID I saw that was posted a while ago... at one point the telus roms (and old kitchen) actually set the MEID display to all zeros. If this it what you say, I wouldn't be worried. I believe the newest version of the kitchen, which most chefs are using show most setting including HEX ESN, network username, Hex MEID, MDN and MSID.
I'm pretty sure I put them in the kitchen... if not (can't look at the moment) they should be in the next release.