I think my PPC6700 is starting to go...
Looks like the radio may be cutting out as I am begining to have issues with placing and receiving calls. I did a reset to the last sprint Rom (this reloaded the latest sprint radio rom), then back to the PR6 Rom as I know it was working prior and am still seeing issue . I am getting error daily at this point.
Anyone else seeing the following:
1- Try to place call, call stays at connecting.
2- Hang up, Re-try call. Get error dialog on the line of low to no signal at full bars.
3- soft reset phone (same position - not driving).
4- works again.
Phone shows full bars but incoming call does not ring or bring up dialer app. Soft reset corrects issue.
Just want to verfiy if this is being seen by anyone else with my rom??? I am going to revert back to the Offical sprint 2.2 for a day or so to verify that it is not the ROM (do not believe it is the case). I spoke to my local sprint store and they are telling me that I can not get another 6700 as they are out and will not get more so this ROM may need to get handed off to someone else as I amy not be able to dev or test any longer.
Either way, I am going down fighting. They are going to have to pass me up the ladder to satisfy this sprint customer. I pay for equipment protection for a reason and since I do dev work on the 6700 and have asesories for it, getting a treo as a replacement was not satisfactory (more so since I got rid of a treo for the 6700).
Anyhow, I am just covering my bases before I start a getting into it with them so we will see how things go.