Originally Posted by flystiguy01
Hello everyone,
I am new to the forum but have found tons of previous information through this site.
Basically I have a Titan from alltel and im trying to convert it to MetroPcs.. I went to the local Metro retailer and they said they didnt think it was possible. And when i try to google for info i always come up with info on flashing the sprint or vzw, and no Alltel. I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction or maybe I can get lucky and have someone walk me through it. I'm not looking to clone a metro ESN I would just like to have everything set up perfectly so that I can go to Metro and have them set me up. Any info is greatly apreciated
thank you!
idk bout getting the real esn on metro's network...i remember reading somewhere around here tht some1 jus took their phone in2 a service center after it was flashed and they got the real esn on metro's network. n another dude got his real esn from some1 in dallas so i guess it cn b done bt idk...page 1 has the dude in dallas, page 3 basically gives u a walk thru on the flash.. THANKs 2 BOSSMAN