Re: I really don't get what you guys are doing to your batteries.
I don't seem to have a big problem with my battery life either. It seems right on par with what the regular Touch was getting.
On the weekends, I charge the phone Friday night, and by Monday morning it's at maybe 10-15%. That's with PUSH email, and decent signal strength. (2-3 bars typically) Maybe 15-20 emails total throughout the weekend.
On the days I go to school (in the hills, and the classrooms are in concrete buildings...) I turn off the PUSH email as it'll constantly be trying to establish a data connection. Once I leave for the day I turn PUSH back on, and with that method I can easily get through the day with maybe 30% when I go to bed.
The days I go to work (not much anymore thankfully!) I also have to turn off PUSH, but I have literally no reception at work. If I don't turn off PUSH the battery is dead by noon (I start at 6:00AM typically). If I turn it off, and turn it back on when I leave, it is usually around 40% by the end of the day.
I typically get about 30 messages a day also.
Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Motorola Q > Sprint Mogul > Sprint Touch > Sprint Touch Diamond > Sprint Hero > HTC EVO 4G