Re: UPDATED 10-3-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
i installed the official alltel update and now its getting gps locks faster than ever before, like 2-5 seconds. on your rom, i even had the a-gps mod installed with the gpsone settings and the registry mods. so i was wondering, what all files do i need out of your cabs to install the m2d interface thing. so i have the music plugin, youtube plugin, weather, everything, including the new comm manager look and everything so its exactly like in ur rom, but on alltels rom
sometime in the future, could you get the alltel navigation thats included in the new alltel update cab so we can install alltel nav on your rom. or maybe cook it into ur rom if u can
just so you know, im going to install ur latest beta rom on my other touch and test the gps locks and see if it locks as quick as the official alltel rom and i'll let you know how that worked out
Last edited by diesburg59105; 10-11-2008 at 08:47 PM.