Originally Posted by csinsc
I checked my active profile is set to 1
I sent a picture (from my diamond) to my work phone and it said sent, it never arrived.
I sent a pic from my wifes Katana to my work phone and it came in fine
I sent a pic from my wifes katana to my diamond and it came in as a PM.
The picture mail sending for me seems to be the issue.
Any ideas?
The profile is set to 1, but does it contain the proper Vision log-in information?
Try to initiate a connection (via PIE or Opera) and make sure coverage is good, then send.
If it is bone-stock, try doing a ##RTN#, reset. This will wipe the system config and do a hard reset. I've read that this helped some. After that, ask Sprint to reprovision and IOTA. Best of luck.