I think i got this fixed.
Replaced btd.dll
EDITED cfb04a95-153f-4319-9832-3f76821a03b3.rgu
"ServiceId"="{00001115-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}" ; PANU
"FriendlyName"="Personal Ad-hoc Network"
"Description"="Bluetooth PANU service"
"ConnectionTimeout"=dword:7530 ; 30000
Replaced Avrcp_MPplugin.dll
Replaced bta2dp.dll
Replaced sbc.dll
Been testing on a flash for 2 days, constantly turning BT on and off everytime i get near the phone and make a call. works fine.
I got some of the replacement files from WM6 kitchen, and some from AKU 3.5.2 UNIVERSAL kitchen and others from Helmi aku 3.5 build 2. had to mix and match for about 4 flashes before i got the files that i needed all working togethor. I have NO idea what the hell these files do so please dont ask.
As far as the registry, i pulled that from a 3rd kitchen by Helmi for AKU 3.5 build revision 2 over at XDA from an OEM apckage for a2dp
NONE of this work is my own, i dont have the skills neccesary to troubleshoot something like this. All i have done is collect bluetooth rescources from kitchens that are KNOWN to have bt working properly.
If my tests are conclusive after this weekend, i will build a ROM and make it public, I will also zip up the files neccessary to recreate the "fix" on this thread.
On a sidenote, i also replaced the WModem files from WM6 and they seem to be working on every try, no more "COM OPEN ERROR" when its launched. Again, im going to test through this weekend and post back here.
Replaced WModem.exe
Replaced SwitchModem.dll