Originally Posted by boe
"Ever(y) unit has advancements over the previous, that much we can all agree on" - I'm afraid I can't agree with that - I had the touch - now I have the Diamond - Diamond battery life sucks. Diamond BT sucks.
I called telesales and ordered a return kit today. Maybe in about 5 months if enough people complain HTC will release a fix for the Diamond like they did 5 months after the mogul was released to fix the BT. I have to admit after the amount of postings about the BT on the Mogul I really thought HTC would have actually tried out this phone with a couple of BT units - I'm not surprised Sprint didn't bother testing - heck I wouldn't be surprised if Sprint did their "testing" with a mockup shell with no inards. No surprise that Sprint didn't bother to ask why I was returning the Diamond - information like that might actually help them retain customers and that isn't part of Dan's plan.
Maybe in 6 months if they fix the unit -I'll order another one - maybe by then the price will be about half of what it is now and they'll have one that hasn't been imasculated with a red shell.
That's not a bad idea, instead of us complain and *****ing out each out. We should all be *****ing at HTC, maybe then they will get it right. Maybe then they will make a perfect handset, that we don't have to tweak the S**T out of. We can only hope, I'm send an email right now