Originally Posted by nuguy
As well I was trying to find the nicer midlet manager the article said is on all HTC devices, haven't figured that part out yet. I currently do not have java, that's step 1...
Step 1. Install Java Midlet Manager:
Step 2. Click on the download/install link for Gmaps on the 6700's browser and say open. The Java manager should automatically open and install the application. If not then you can download the file and then open the Java Manager and choose to install from there.
Originally Posted by nuguy
It interesting to note the 6700 is specificly called out as a device this works with. I expect it will not unlock the inner GPS, however, my expectation is that this may bind with the 911 or 922 location data....
If you read Gmaps site, they say you will need Navizon installed if you want any "gps" functionality (if you don't have a BT GPS). Navizon still does nothing to "unlock" the 6700's GPS. It simplly collects information about the available towers and WIFI networks in the area and checks that against Navizon's database to get an approximate location. See below from Navizon's website:
Q. How is it possible to navigate WITHOUT GPS! I mean come on now - "Software Only GPS" - who are you guys trying to kid?
A. "Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished nerds, geeks and jocks... NO kidding, NO foolin' and NO guff! --- this stuff really works!" Our developers may be revolutionaries but they're also extremely good at making things work -- and the Navizon Wireless Positioning System works incredibly well!
Since Navizon knows the EXACT geographic locations of Wireless Access Points and Cellular Communications Towers in a specified city or neighborhood it's able to use the Wireless Networking (Wi-Fi 802.11) and/or Cellular Phone capabilities (or both) that are present within a similarly equipped Pocket PC device, to accurately determine your exact Latitude and Longitude on planet Earth (so let's hope that's the planet you're on!) and then uses this positioning date to inform your Personal GPS Navigation Programs and other Location Based Software Applications on your Pocket PC.