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Old 05-12-2007, 02:30 PM
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Coupla requests (like you'd expect less, right? haha)

1. Resco File Explorer - the damn today plugin still doesn't work for it. You can get it to appear once, can't update the skin - and after a few minutes it shows nothing but "expired" in it. For the life of me I havent found a workaround for that one - I have got it working on the 5.42 version though.
I was unaware you were able to make the old ones today plugin work. I pulled the today plugin because it wont integrate properly as an OEM. (at least i cant find a way without crashing the phone). So for stabilities sake i pulled that option on purpose. If you are able to find a way, let me know and ill see what we can do about integration

BigJ, I like your phonealarm skin but I use the work and meeting profiles. Is there a way to add those icons so I can keep your skin? By the way, this is an awesome rom. It seems much faster and more stable than some others I have tried.

And has anyone been able to beat the computer on the Othelo game? I have played it like 30 times now at the amateur level and it just seems ridiculously hard. Maybe I'm that dumb...
Ill look into the size of more icons. They may not be "on" by default but ill see if there is room to just throw the icons in for those who want/use profiles

OMFG!!!!>>>!>!!! NO that stupid othello is a pain in the rear. Ive never beaten the computer.... gotten close, but never win! grrrrrrr

I'm using BigJ's 1.2u (Mario) and it is GREAT!!! I only have 1 issue that I can not resolve and couldn't find the answer no matter how much I searched. I can't get the Voice Command caller ID to consistenly come over my bluetooth. All other notifications come through my bluetooth 100% of the time such as calendar events, low battery, etc.

thats bizzare, ive had no issues w/ my BT announcements. Maybe upgrade to the beta, or wait until the final 1.3u and let me know if its still an issue for you, it may be your BT headset (most suck @ss)

How about adding UPX'd versions of WM6 Office into your next version?

Looking into it, what are the enhancements over the wm5 ones.... ive never had document issues before so seems like a "neat" thing to say it has but with no practicality for the end user. If you find a list or know off hand what makes it a worthwhile upgrade hit me up!

I second TechnoHippie that this is indeed a ROM must have. I like the integrated PA, WeatherPanel and Speed dial... my only "issue" is my bluetooth has real problems connecting and reconnecting after I have disabled it then re-enabled it. Or just getting it to connect sometimes requires a reset. I'm still checking to see if its because I have 2 headsets paired.
Still... i'll gladly accept a few hurdles in order to have this ROM.
That is "EXACTLY" the issue that all users are having with the new kitchen. Its HUGE, not sure who is working on getting it resolved, but its beyond my level of skill to track down and correct. You may want to post your experience in the thread i have linked under the Beta known issues. Hopefully with enough responses and feedback we can get it resolved sooner rather than later.

after loading this rom i did not see GPS icon show on the phone any more dose anyone know why ?
Since the GPS doesnt work anyways I just removed the reg entry that shows the shortcut. If it serves a purpose or has a function let me know, and ill re-add the entry before 1.3u is released
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