Originally Posted by egriffin
Shadowtech's hack works exceptionally well. I have TomTom on my touch as well and was having to wait up to 5 min. on occasion for a GPS lock and then only 3-4 satellites. After the full hack, including the registry edits, I get locks in under a minute both inside and outside with 7-9 satellites! Just carefully follow the directions and you should be fine.
Thanks so much for the confidence to get me to try this, you're are correct, works fantastic now, even inside!
For those who are wanting to take the plunge, here is what I did. I started with the official Alltel Touch upgrade. I enabled the Location Radio, Set the GPS Up (Com 4, No Hardware Port, 4800 baud, Auto Management) and then soft reset. I then went through shadow-techs excellent thread (
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36377). I used the Alltel .cab there rather than editting the registry. Following the tutorial exactly, reseting when it suggest, and I now have my GPS responding quickly even inside! Thanks to everyone that makes this community what it is!