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Old 10-09-2008, 03:19 PM
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verizon xv6900 flash qestions

Just found this forum 2 days ago. Read and reread posts and decided to give OMJ.3.09.01 a try. I have a xv6900 that I purchased 2 days ago. To update phone I went through the following steps:

1)unlocked w / ImCokeMans’s v2.31 unlocker
2)flashed with Bell 3.09.01 and allowed to customize
3)flashed with OMJ.3.09.01.Custom.exe

Phone now boots and all applications appear to be there.

Here is my problem. The phone needed authenticated so called Verizon and they re-authenticated. They instructed me to then call *228 and choose option #2. My phone will dial out but neither option 1 nor option 2 will work. From talking to tech support I may be fine without doing either. However I cannot get out on the internet (have data plan). I called tech support again and tried to play stupid (not hard for me to do) and they pointed me to Settings / Connections / and proceeded to describe how to set up a new modem connection. I now have two choices CDMA and My work Network. They assumed I only had one. I listened to their instructions and then set up both modem connections, but cannot get out on the internet.

The number that they gave me was #777
User name is my phone
and PSWD = VZW

Three calls now to tech support and I could feel their radar coming on the last time I called.

Any help with the *228 or internet issue would be greatly appreciated.
