Voice Command over Bluetooth
First, let me thank all you guys for the wealth of information contained in this site.
I'm using BigJ's 1.2u (Mario) and it is GREAT!!! I only have 1 issue that I can not resolve and couldn't find the answer no matter how much I searched. I can't get the Voice Command caller ID to consistenly come over my bluetooth. All other notifications come through my bluetooth 100% of the time such as calendar events, low battery, etc.
Here is what happens on an incoming call.
-Phone rings
-I can hear audio gateway open on headset
-I hear the beginnings of the ring tone over my headset
-Audio gateway closes
-Ring tone over the handset
-Voice Command announces who is calling over the handset
I was once able to get the announcment to come over bluetooth by turning off the ringer in phone settings, but it only work a couple of times. Then it reverted to above behavior. Gateway opens, then closes. Voice Command announces over handset. Ultimately, I would like to have VC announce over my headset so I can know who is calling without taking the phone out of my holster. Thanks in advance for your advise.