Re: UPDATED 10-3-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
okay good, and for the GPS trick, if you do ##3424 and then plug your phone into your computer, it should then load up into QPST. Mine uses Comm 19.
If you need to change your comm port then on your desktop, right click "my computer" and go down to manage. and then down to "device manager" This will load up a lot of different components to your computer, scroll down until you see, "Ports (COM & LPT1)" then find the port your phone is on. right click and go to properties, this will load up some tabs, and click on Port settings, and you will be able to change your port.
Once you change your port then you can unhook your phone and hook it up again, and then your phone will now be at the Comm port that you assign it to be at.