Originally Posted by ifko
You answered my question in the first line.
I was already confused, I had no idea that the unlocker in the "How to flash:" sticky was an HSPL or even the right version.
If you go to the HSPL sticky it suggests you use .57 but step 11 in the "How to flash" sticky says that is should say version .43 when unlocked. The term SSPL is also used loosely so i'm not even sure if i'm referring to these bootloaders with the correct terminolgy
You can see how it be can confusing, smart *** remarks don't help when you're legitimately confused. (They only help when you are ignorant)
Nonetheless thanks for the assistance
Im sorry bud, but the only thing ignorant here is you calling tobeychris ignorant because you cannot read the instructions he wrote. i have to say readin the instructions my self no where does it say version .43 means the device is unlocked. however it does say
11. Your phone will goto a tri-colour screen and should say SSPL0.43.CMONEX at the top. SSPL
12. The phone will restart again and is now Unlocked!
13. You can check that it is Unlocked by entering the Bootloader (Power+VolumeDown and hold down Reset)(Locked and Unlocked)