Originally Posted by DaRedLight
I need someone's help. I installed this Kinoma...and got all my media files high - jacked! (Taliban Style!) lol! Now all my music media and some of my video media is no longer recognizeable. Windows Media Player will no longer play the file from the "File Explorer" folder. I actually have to launch the Player, select the folder, then play the file! WTF?! Even after uninstalling this chaotic "Kill - noma"! My files are left raped! Is there any way to reverse and retore the associations to the files, without reinstalling 6gbs of audio and video?
Ha welcome to the kinoma is great idea, but terribly executed club.. The best way to repair the damage kinoma has done, is to download a real media player, lets say TCMP and go into settings and re associate your media with that program. This weekend I will try to make a repair cab file. Until then uninstall kinoma and send them some hate mail.
Here are the registry entries kinoma meddled with
"Content Type"="audio/mp3"
"Content Type"="audio/mp3"
@="mp3 file"
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\kp5mp3file\Shell\Save\Save Location]
@="\\My Documents"
@="XME EventSound Player"
"Content Type"="image/jpeg"
"Content Type"="image/jpeg"
@="JPEG image"
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\kp5jpgimage\Shell\Save\Save Location]
@="\\My Pictures"
"Content Type"="image/png"
@="PNG image"
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\kp5pngimage\Shell\Save\Save Location]
@="\\My Pictures"
"Content Type"="audio/audible"
@="Audible file"
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\kp5aafile\Shell\Save\Save Location]
@="\\My Documents"
"Content Type"="audio/mp4"
@="MP4 audio"
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\kp5m4afile\Shell\Save\Save Location]
@="\\My Documents"
"Content Type"="video/mp4"
@="MP4 video"
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
@="\"%InstallDir%\\kp5.exe\" \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\kp5mp4file\Shell\Save\Save Location]
@="\\My Documents"
"Content Type"="video/flv"
@="FLV video"
This would be a pain to do by hand..
Kinoma YOU SUCK!