Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon
Hello Shadow-tech.
Really appreciate all your work on this. Seems i'm the only one who can't get it to work and I would really love to. Would you have a moment to quickly peek at my setting if I run thru it here? Must be missing one small thing.
Always says "105KB. Seeking GPS satellite (0)..." blinking
HTC 6800 Alltel
Rom 3.35.671.9
Radio 3.37.20
GPS program port : COM4
GPS hardware port : none
Baud rate: 4800
Phone - Location Settings 911 : ON
Google Maps and GPS viewer are loaded.
Ran these GPS files:
(all loaded fine)
Followed your QPST directions and all worked well.
##3424 dialing worked fine.
Mine showed up on COM5.
Applied the fix and put in Alltel numbers., 8888, IP, mobile.
Did the softboot.
After completely following all instructions it didn't work first time so I went back into QPST and made sure changes were made and were on the phone...all these setting were in the phone when i checked.
I then ran your "" on the phone and it said it installed fine. Did a soft boot.
Went in with Taskmgr.exe into the reg just to make sure the .cab file worked and it showed GPS mode as 2, and IP as, etc.
Tried Googlemaps and just got the "105KB. Seeking GPS satellite (0)..." again. Looked in GPS viewer and "Setup" tab is going nuts with the $GPGSV,1,1,0 numbers flashing but in "GPS Status" tab i got no satellites.
It will find my location once in a while but this was happening before I applied the fix. Usually bombs out with the "No GPS satellites could be found message"
Sorry for the length but i just wanted to let you know that I was pretty thorough in trying to follow your instructions.
Thanks so much.