Thread: Best Bluetooth
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Old 08-27-2006, 09:21 AM
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Well I have been using my new nEXZEN plus 5500 Bluetooth for 5 days now, I am still having connection problems. I have had other Bluetooth devices in the past that worked well with the PPC 6700 (new rom), so working with the premise that the 6700 is not the problem and the nexzen is I have some thoughts. With the nexzen connected to the 6700 I make phone calls using the voice command with no problems, if I make a call from the phone keys some calls will not transfer to the nexzen. This is ok just push the pinch button and the call will transfer to the nexzen. Next on incoming calls watch the phone screen sometimes the nexzen will not ring but when you see the headphone icon appear in the screen push the side button and the nexzen will answer. If you wait to long the icon will disappear if this happens and you are forced to answer the phone with the PPC buttons then the nexzen will no longer be connected to the PPC and Bluetooth will be turned off. If you go to connection manager the Bluetooth button will show that Bluetooth is on, this is not correct go to setting soft key/ Bluetooth settings and look, the turn on Bluetooth box wont be checked. Now go back to connection manager and the Bluetooth box will have an X over it, so turn on Bluetooth again. Test your headset again I usually just hit the pinch button and see if voice command starts. Continue normal use.

What?s going on IMO, the nEXZEN is the best Bluetooth made and has some of the best features. I think some of the options provided cause some of these connection problems. With this much technology in such a small headset theirs got to be some problems. Also this could have something to do with security concerns. This headset has the ability to connect to more than one device at a time, to me this is a useless feature, but the headset has to have a secure connection to the device, this takes time for the devices to establish. I am impatient and will start hitting buttons too soon before this connection can be made I think this also helps to create my connection problems. I also have tested this device with other Bluetooth devices in the area, I have hade varying results with this. So I think the nexzen is picking up and trying to connect to other devices in the area even though no partnership has not been established between the 2 devices. This also causes some connection problems.

The nEXZEN Bluetooth has by far the best sound quality of all Bluetooth devices. I have tried every Bluetooth that Radio shack has in stock (30 day money back return policy) and some from Best Buy, including every noise canceling headset made by Jabra, Motorola, and Plantronics. I work in construction these buildings are loud with lots of equipment running. The nEXZEN is the only headset that I have been able to use in this environment with out complaints from the caller. I will continue to use this Bluetooth just for its sound quality, and with a little understanding of how this Bluetooth works I am having fewer connection problems. I hope this helps the nEXZEN lovers out there, enjoy this Bluetooth I will.
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Robert Kennedy

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