Originally Posted by the7thson
Hmm that seems really weird. You were in the exact same areas on both days for the same amount of time each day? If yes, then that's pretty strange.. FWIW, there are other people in Juicy's ROM thread that are also reporting inconsistencies in battery life. Some, including Juicy himself have had the phone just shut itself off at 40% remaining battery even.. All sorts of weird battery behavior everywhere
Yes, its very strange indeed. I have not been able to get the same battery life to show any trends in the 3 weeks I've owned it. I do notice that the battery life is MUCH better now than it was when i first got it though, burned through the battery in about 2 hours the first day, 4 hours the next, completely wierd the first week I had it. Never experienced that with my old phones.
Other than the battery life this phone is pretty good bang for the buck.