Originally Posted by dschoenike
C'mon guys, it's beta. I get just as frusterated as everyone else, with skyfires' quirks and issues. As with most/all betas, skyfire's counting on us testers to keep banging away on this browser and givin' them feedback on how to improve it. Dropping it from our devices and giving up on it won't help them fix the problems.
You know, I would agree with that 100% if it wasn't interferring with the every day operation of my system.
If skyfire would just sit there with all it "quirks" & not bother me until I had time to play with it that would be great. That is absolutely not the case however.
The silly thing absolutely
INSISTS on being my default browser & then every time I try to click an email link I can't if the server is messed up (which has been more often than not recently). At that point, I honestly could care less if I'm helping them improve their beta product.......