Originally Posted by sjh858
okay, im getting my first ppc tomorrow (Diamond). my dad had an original HTC Touch and I messed with that a bit. Isn't the 4GB of internal memory able to host these files?! The RAM, i thought, was just to write-to while the software was running. I'll be super pissed if this phone isn't the frickin bomb. I want to install lots of games and stupid stuff. I don't want to be limited to like 4 things on the device. I may just be really confused as to whats going on here. Someone fill me in 
The RAM isn't what you have to worry about. With 192MB of ram, you can run just about anything. The Diamond comes with 4GB of internal storage for apps / games, so I don't think you will have to worry much. I have about 10-15 different programs / games that I run on the Diamond, and none of them have had any troubles installing to the internal storage (even .NET CF). And btw, the phone is the bomb, I get looks all day long when I have my phone out. Most people haven't even seen it yet.
Btw, the Sprint ROM is nothing compared to the custom ROMs that are available for this phone. Check out the Diamond Upgrades section. Juciy 2.4.1 is my personal favorite so far.