Originally Posted by nmeister
Originally Posted by JBabey
and add skins as normal (you can re-enable the multiple profiles in phonealarm by going into phonealarm settings and choosing profiles, and EDIT... re-check all the boxes for the profiles.
the skin i have there by default does NOT have icons for the other profiles wich is why i disabled them. It also saves me a lot of room on the ROM not having to use another 8 or so icons that get written out of rom and into the profile folder.
I for the life of me cannot find the setting to reenable the other profiles.
The 4th tab at the bottom in the settings says "Profiles"
click on it
at the TOP
the second icon over looks like a pencil writing on a rectangle
click on that
RE-CHECK all the profile options that you want to show up
Hit OK
Hit OK again to close out of phonealarm and it will refresh
Now all the profiles you checked will show up under the HOME icon
Remember that MY skin will NOT have icons for other profiles so they will show up as empty squares. If you want/use other profiles, you need to download more skins. you can get them right off the pocketmax homepage and in their forums.