Cant receive Picture Mail while plugged into Computer? 2 Internal Memories? WTF?
I hate for a question to be my second post here... but here goes. Ive been lurching around here for a few weeks and found you guys to be the most informative when it comes to CDMA Diamond. Now I have a question -
I just had a lady friend send me a pic through a picture message... and I had my Diamond plugged into my computer via USB to charge and organize files.
Well... the message never came in, but it did give me an error on the screen saying that picture mail does not work when in USB mode.
Now, all my songs are missing from the sprint music tab and so are the pictures from the picture tab.
I used Resco explorer and noticed that now I have 2 different Internal Storage folders... this was never like this before.
Internal Storage 1 : 2 folders with what looks like Information for the picture messaging.
Then Internal storage 2 (actually named internal storage 2) is what the original internal storage was.
Can anyone make sense of what happened? Is there a way to fix this?
By the way... Im using the stock sprint ROM with not much added. G sensor, Kalxon, Rescoe Suite.. Not much else.