Thanks for the info... I do have a fax service. I am using for both incoming and outgoing fax's. What Im looking for is free faxing... I really want to take avantage of the free nights and weekends as I send out about 400 to 800 fax's to schools. I will keep your website in mind as it looks like it might be cheaper then what I am using now, but would really like to use the free nights and weekends on my phone. I have also though of buying a cheap razor and activating it for $9.99 (one month only) and send the faxes using that device as I know it will work as a modem (the real kind, not the one you find with internet sharing devices).
Originally Posted by shaggylive
well, I'm not going to say it's impossible, cuz I have heard of it working. but it's really not worth the effort IMO. better off getting a good online fax service, and if you only need to fax out, and others offer that for free. I used ringcentral when I needed an incoming #, their very reliable.