Originally Posted by joojoobee666
I can tell you the difference between nuROM3 and all the others. NueROM3 lets you enable/disable the camera. This gives you an extra 6MB of RAM. You can then renable it and reboot to use it if you want, temporarily losing the extra 6MB. IT also let's you change your page pool size without having to reflash. Well worth it if you want the RAM. You can use the BaseKit to build your own ROM, so essentailly since that's what I always do, the only other differences for me are bugs in the windows build that the kitchen is using.
Also of note for those hooked on BT while driving, Nuerom3 does not seem to support Voice Command (activation via BT) unless it is cooked into the rom by the user. Cab installs do not fix the registry errors and manual edits are not possible due to the hard coding in the Rom. Otherwise a pretty decent rom.
JD's current roms are worth a look. Fast, stable....