No problems here .net installed find for me no errors and it is working. Also got the calc working. One thing I still need help with though is turning off that stupid reply all. That is the one thing I cant live with. I don't care what functionality I give up I need it to default to reply. I'd venture to say most of us who use outlook in a business capacity would feel the same way. Maybe the enhancements can be installed as a cab file or an addition. I know its your mod and you can do with it what you like Juicy but I'd bet the majority of people feel the same and would rather just use the reply rather than reply all.
If you take the time to read through this thread (yes I know its long) there are instructions on how to disable the outlook enhancements. It is a registry edit that needs to take place but you will be sacrificing functionality just to have reply instead of reply all. If you wish to reply just go to menu, reply, reply.