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Old 10-05-2008, 09:19 PM
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Lets Play "Name that dialer skin and how to get rid of it"

The Diamond is my 1st Win Mobile phone and like any other good gadget geek I have installed/uninstalled dozens of CAB's I think I finally have it perfect with one exception, one of the many programs I have installed has changed my dialer skin/in call skin from the original to attached.

Since my eyesight isn't what it once was I prefer the stock dialer with the big buttons and black letters on white. The problem is I think this dialer skin is related to a program that I have unistalled, but left the skins behind.

None of the current programs I have installed seem to be the culprit and I'm not sure how to get the original dialer back. So, your challenge is:

1) Where the hell did this skin come from
2) How do I remove it and get the stock dialer back

Looks like a hard reset my be in my future if I can't get rid of this, so any help would be appreciated.

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