Originally Posted by IFMISM
i have the diamond now and i am going to trade it in for the pro, just for the memory card slot. i have read a few forums where the guy's phone overheated and would not come on again. sure they sent him another one but he was unable to retrieve his info from the internal 4 gigs of memory. don't get me wrong i do love my diamond, but i save alot of stuff to the memory that i worry about losing. i have it backed up to my computer, but i have to go in every night and save it all over again because my files are constantly changing. i could care less about the keyboard or the tv out. these are things that i probably won't use anyway. unless someone here has a better way of backing up my files just in case. i do love the phone so i am open for suggestions
if you are worried about losing your files stored in internal storage of the diamond, then the pro can't help you either. what if you lose your phone?
phone is not a safe place to store valuable data. it is a temporary storage for on the go.